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Обсуждение задачи 1153. Суперкомпьютер

WA 6
Послано psiml 11 окт 2011 23:58
Hello, I have a problem with test 6 - can you please give me some similar input and right answer? I read this discuss and I found only something about wrong character problem, so I added testing of it (if there are any not number characters, it ignores them). It didn't help. Thanks and sorry for my English.

Edited by author 12.10.2011 18:05
Re: WA 6
Послано psiml 13 окт 2011 23:04
I found a mistake, it was that: if you use java, you must use BigInteger, not just long or double. I hope it will help someone.
Re: WA 6
Послано VNXtreMe 4 янв 2012 11:29
I'm pretty sure that the test case for 6 is really larger value that will fail if you use Math.sqrt function. Provide your own square root function and you will AC for sure :)