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Discussion of Problem 1083. Factorials!!!

Can be the result a number bigger than longint?Taloi Bogdan1083. Factorials!!!12 Feb 2006 20:362  
Help, what is wrong in my programm??Koryakov Anton_ghost_Anigus1083. Factorials!!!5 Nov 2005 15:050  
Who can tell me why Devision by zero?Dmitry Ermakov1083. Factorials!!!23 Aug 2005 04:041  
if(n<=k) answer=n, not n*n.qxov1083. Factorials!!!2 May 2005 22:151  
NCrom' solution gives CE. Here is ACSearchers1083. Factorials!!!3 Nov 2004 16:580  
Please tell me,10! should be 0 or should be 3628800hhq214011083. Factorials!!!19 Apr 2004 01:501  
Who can tell me why I am Wrong?? Thanks a lot. My source is HereLion1083. Factorials!!!20 Aug 2003 12:390  
This Problem seems so easy...JL Wang1083. Factorials!!!13 Nov 2002 15:230  
Why WA? Help me!!korol andrey1083. Factorials!!!8 Nov 2002 04:231  
Why CRASH(ACESS_VIOLATION)???faust1083. Factorials!!!27 Sep 2002 23:060  
whi it is wrong? help me pleaseI am david. Tabo.1083. Factorials!!!10 May 2002 00:392  
whi my program is wrong?can enibody halp meeeeeeeeeee?????I am david. Tabo.1083. Factorials!!!12 Apr 2002 21:570  
whi i get CM and what is wrong to my program,enubody can help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#????????????????????I am david. Tabo.1083. Factorials!!!12 Apr 2002 20:350  
Help ! Why Wrong Answers?Yeo Kern Sin1083. Factorials!!!23 Feb 2002 19:330  
Wrong Answer !!!Yeo Kern Sin1083. Factorials!!!20 Feb 2002 07:390  
what's the answer of n <= k?Li Yi1083. Factorials!!!31 Oct 2001 12:221  

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