Show all threads Hide all threads Show all messages Hide all messages | BINPOW gives TLE | coolboy19521 | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 5 Jul 2024 17:53 | 1 | If your code needs to calculate 10^i, then don't use BINPOW. Just precalculate. It wasted my time a little bit. | WA #10 , can you help me??? | datct0407 | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 13 Jan 2023 15:16 | 4 | #include <stdio.h> #define maxn 1000001 long n; short result[31],b[maxn]; int tr[maxn]; long count,i,j; main() { scanf("%ld",&n); for (i=0;i<n;i++) b[i]=0; b[1%n]=1; tr[1%n]=0; if (n!=1) b[2%n]=2; tr[2%n]=0; count=1; while (b[0]==0 && count <30) { count++; for (i=1;i<n;i++) if (b[i]!=0) { if (b[(i*10+1)%n]==0) { b[(i*10+1)%n]=1; tr[(i*10+1)%n]=i; }; if (b[(i*10+2)%n]==0) { b[(i*10+2)%n]=2; tr[(i*10+2)%n]=i; }; } } if (b[0]==0) { printf("Impossible"); } else { i=0; j=1; result[j]=b[i]; while (tr[i]!=0) { i=tr[i]; j++; result[j]=b[i]; } for (i=j;i>0;i--) printf("%d",result[i]); } getchar(); } When i had wa 10 i found out that my solution on test like 101 gives me 1212 instead of 1111. It doesnt helped me on this test, but i found mistake anyway | hint | >>> | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 24 Oct 2021 13:44 | 1 | hint >>> 24 Oct 2021 13:44 dp[i][j] - можно ли получить остаток j если длина равна i. я получал всякие превышение памяти и времени, только потому что я сохранял предка. Но если не сохранять предка, а вычислять самому, то решение будет < 100 миллисекунд. Восстанавливал и находил минимальный ответ через рекурсию почти как дфс. | What is Test#15? | xurshid_n | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 13 Oct 2019 20:26 | 2 | I had WA on the 15 test. I saved my answer in a string and i found what i was searching for minimum answer in wrong way, right code for taking minimum from 2 numbers, what are written in strings looks like : if (mn.size() > an.size()) mn = an; if(mn.size()==an.size()) if (mn > an) mn = an; | Some hints,look this after you have thought this problem by yourself. | pyh119 | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 13 May 2017 20:21 | 3 | 1.Use a DP with the O(30N) time 2.Use ternary (long long in C++ is needed) to indicate each solution 3.Use a rolling array in case it MLEs Good luck! ~_~ Edited by author 05.07.2011 19:05 Meet-in-the-middle is easier, I think. I have solved using both methods, it's faster and shorter. | WA 18 ? | bayram | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 21 Nov 2016 20:30 | 2 | | hint for WA 3 | BORODA | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 11 Jan 2016 06:53 | 3 | the answer is 2 , isn't it? | WA #15... I just don't understand what is wrong with my program.... Help me pls! | intueor | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 9 Feb 2014 18:06 | 1 | Just give me some hint pls: I really don't understand what is wrong... It passes all tests on that forum but still has WA15 #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; vector < int > pm (30, 0); vector < vector < char > > d (31, vector < char > (1000000, 0)); int n; void printAnswer (int, int); int main () { cin >> n; pm[0] = 1 % n; for (int i = 1; i < 30; ++i) pm[i] = (pm[i - 1] * (10 % n)) % n; d[0][0] = 1; char found = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 30; ++i) { int m1 = pm[i - 1]; int m2 = ((2 % n) * pm[i - 1]) % n; if (d[i - 1][(n - m1) % n] != 0) { printAnswer (1, i); found = 1; break; } if (d[i - 1][(n - m2) % n] != 0) { printAnswer (2, i); found = 1; break; } for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { if (d[i - 1][j] == 0) continue; d[i][(j + m2) % n] = 2; d[i][(j + m1) % n] = 1; } } if (!found) cout << "Impossible"; return 0; } void printAnswer (int digit, int lvl) { int k = 0; int x, j; while (lvl != 0) { cout << (int)digit; j = ((digit % n) * pm[lvl - 1]) % n; x = (k >= j) ? (k - j) : (n - j + k); digit = d[lvl - 1][x]; k = x; --lvl; }
return; } I got AC with other code but I still don't understand what's wrong with this one. Help me PLS!!! Edited by author 09.02.2014 19:37 | This problem easy to solve with DP(+) | Aram Shatakhtsyan | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 11 Mar 2013 00:13 | 12 | Just use DP, which is fast enough (AC 0.187s), and works without using long arithmetics in O(30*n). Only remember simple math theorems about mod, i. e. (a+b) mod c = ((a mod c) + (b mod c)) mod c (a-b) mod c = ((a mod c) - (b mod c)) mod c (a*b) mod c = ((a mod c) * (b mod c)) mod c My brute-force solution got AC in 0.062s Brute force without big numbers? I think that the most easy solution is that, where long arithmetics not used. Oh, i've got... Let's see... No, i have too slow AC :( 1.531 Can anyone explain DP? simple O(N) solution, 0.030s You are completely right about using: > (a*b) mod c = ((a mod c) * (b mod c)) mod c Uses very facile DP technique like used[i] = true/false ;-) DP here? How? it`s knapsack problem please can anyone tell me how to solve this in briefly by bfs or dp...... I try DP but TLE #15, can send me your solution to my email : Tks You can achieve O(N) using bfs. Edited by author 23.06.2009 21:23 I think it's nearer to bfs then DP | WA #8 need help | Arthur | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 14 Jun 2012 22:32 | 5 | 212212 - 212212 158756 - 12121111222211212 847723 - 121222112222211122121 4352 - 21112122112 348 - 11212212 Эти прошли, но на 2 падаю(( | Help!!! | OncescuCostin | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 21 Mar 2012 01:15 | 1 | Help!!! OncescuCostin 21 Mar 2012 01:15 Can anyone explain me what is yhe problem with my program. #include<cstdio> using namespace std; int k,nr,n,p,u,i,j,obt[1000001],fol[1000001],ap[1000001],x[1000001],x1[1000001],cif[100]; char bst[1000002][32],cr[32]; int cmp(char a[32],int n,char b[32],int m) { int i; if(n<m) return -1; if(n>m) return 1; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if(a[i]!=b[i]) break; if(a[i]>=b[i]) return 1; else return -1; } int main() { //freopen("input","r",stdin); //freopen("output","w",stdout); scanf("%d",&n); u=2; x[1]=1%n; x[2]=2%n; ap[1%n]=1; ap[2%n]=1; obt[1%n]=1; obt[2%n]=2; fol[1%n]=1; fol[2%n]=1; bst[1%n][1]='1'; bst[2%n][1]='2'; for(i=2;i<=30;i++) { p=0; for(j=1;j<=u;j++) { for(k=1;k<=fol[x[j]];k++) cr[k]=bst[x[j]][k]; cr[k]='1'; if(ap[(x[j]*10+1)%n]==0||cmp(bst[(x[j]*10+1)%n],fol[(x[j]*10+1)%n],cr,fol[x[j]]+1)>0) { ap[(x[j]*10+1)%n]=1; obt[(x[j]*10+1)%n]=1; fol[(x[j]*10+1)%n]=fol[x[j]]+1; for(k=1;k<=fol[x[j]]+1;k++) bst[(x[j]*10+1)%n][k]=cr[k]; p++; x1[p]=(x[j]*10+1)%n; } cr[fol[x[j]]+1]='2'; if(ap[(x[j]*10+2)%n]==0||cmp(bst[(x[j]*10+2)%n],fol[(x[j]*10+2)%n],cr,fol[x[j]]+1)>0) { ap[(x[j]*10+2)%n]=1; obt[(x[j]*10+2)%n]=2; fol[(x[j]*10+2)%n]=fol[x[j]]+1; for(k=1;k<=fol[x[j]]+1;k++) bst[(x[j]*10+2)%n][k]=cr[k]; p++; x1[p]=(x[j]*10+2)%n; }
} if(ap[0]==1) break; u=p; for(j=1;j<=u;j++) x[j]=x1[j]; } nr=0; if(ap[0]==0) printf("Impossible\n"); else { for(i=1;i<=fol[0];i++) printf("%d",bst[0][i]-48); printf("\n"); } return 0; } | WA 1 | OncescuCostin | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 20 Mar 2012 23:21 | 1 | WA 1 OncescuCostin 20 Mar 2012 23:21 Can anyone give me test 1.MY solution is in O(n+30) | I know how to find solution, but not minimal... | Alias (Alexander Prudaev) | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 23 Jun 2009 21:26 | 5 | I write program and get WA3: the number must be minimal. In fact, the matter with this test is someway linked to "Impossible" answer. By the way, finding the minimal solution is easy, searching 2^16-2 sequences is enough. I have TLE#15 using your advice... (( Edited by author 13.05.2007 12:06 you are wrong 2^16 is not enough, even 2^18 The answer for 999999 is 111111222222222222222222222222, which contains exactly 30 digits. Are these special 2^16 or 2^18 sequences? For judges: if you don't have test with 30 digits, include this. | HElP WA15 | ыфва | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 17 Jun 2008 18:33 | 4 | I have WA on 15th test too, help me anybody!) i had wa at 15 for a long time and i got AC at last. maybe n=999997 and the answer is a big number i used bfs and used a large stack i think it will help you sorry for my poor english | help | Emilbek | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 22 May 2008 15:06 | 1 | help Emilbek 22 May 2008 15:06 | TLE#12 | Zubyk Taras | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 28 Feb 2007 23:33 | 2 | TLE#12 Zubyk Taras 27 Jan 2007 00:48 What is this test? I do not understand! Show me super-tests! Thanks This is my code: {$I-,Q-,R-,S-} VAR n,i,p,r :longint; a :array[0..30]of byte; Procedure INIT; begin readln(n); end; Procedure OUT; begin writeln('Impossible'); end; Function OK:boolean; var i,j,ost :longint; begin i:=1; ost:=0; while i<=a[0] do begin j:=i; while(ost<n)and(j<=a[0]) do begin ost:=ost*10+a[j]; inc(j); end; i:=j; ost:=ost mod n; end; OK:=FALSE; if ost=0 then OK:=TRUE; end; Procedure REC(r,p,pp:byte); var i :byte; begin a[p]:=r; a[0]:=p; if p>pp then exit; if OK then begin for i:=1 to a[0]-1 do write(a[i]); writeln(a[a[0]]); halt; end; REC(1,p+1,pp); REC(2,p+1,pp); end; BEGIN INIT; if n mod 5<>0 then begin r:=n; p:=0; while r<>0 do begin inc(p); r:=r div 10; end; for i:=p to 30 do begin REC(1,1,i); REC(2,1,i); end; end else OUT; END. Edited by author 27.01.2007 00:49 I think in this test n mod 10989=0 , and answer have 28-30 signs | Please give me test#14! | Dembel {AESC USU} | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 24 Dec 2006 12:08 | 4 | Try to optimize your program, it works bad on all big tests. | WA# 12 | Zeva [USU] | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 21 Oct 2006 22:06 | 1 | WA# 12 Zeva [USU] 21 Oct 2006 22:06 Somebody has WA#15, but I have TLE# 12. Please help me. Edited by author 21.10.2006 22:06 | Any idea? | xurshid_n | 1495. One-two, One-two 2 | 21 Oct 2006 18:24 | 1 | |