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Обсуждение задачи 1334. Шашки

Burunduk1 Whats wrong? [4] // Задача 1334. Шашки 9 мар 2005 08:20
The first I wrote program which had WA 2
Then I commented check of checker cannot move out of the board - WA 6
And finally I commented check of checker cannot move to the cell where there is another one - AC

Who can explain me problem and my WA?
KillThemAll[Xupypr] It's so pitty, it's so funny // Задача 1334. Шашки 13 апр 2005 05:45
My way was like previous. At here my opinion:
It is not checkers it is stupid problem with incorrect tests.
Ivasyuk Roman Re: Whats wrong? [2] // Задача 1334. Шашки 31 май 2005 16:47
I have too delivered this problem with the third times and exactly such history... Simply fool tests
Silviu Ganceanu Re: Whats wrong? [1] // Задача 1334. Шашки 17 июн 2005 02:32
:)) You are rigth man.. I was wasting my time till I read your message.. You've my night! Tnx
Vladimir Yakovlev (USU) Re: Whats wrong? // Задача 1334. Шашки 17 июн 2005 16:01
Please, read problem statement more attentively:
Loses that player, after whose move one of the opponents gets the opportunity to fell the checker.