Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
Why does this program not work?
here is the code:
var n,i:longint;
nr:array[0..250000] of double;
procedure quick(li,ls:longint);
var i,j:longint;
i:=li; j:=ls; x:=nr[(li+ls) div 2];
while nr[i]<x do inc(i);
while nr[j]>x do dec(j);
if i<=j then
x:=nr[i]; nr[i]:=nr[j]; nr[j]:=x;
inc(i); dec(j);
until i>j;
if i<ls then quick(i,ls);
if j>li then quick(li,j);
for i:=1 to n do readln(nr[i]);
if n=1 then writeln(nr[1] / 2 :0:1)
else if n mod 2<>0 then writeln(nr[n div 2+1]:0:0)
else writeln((nr[n div 2]+nr[n div 2+1]) / 2:0:1);
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
- if you got a single number the median I think it's the number itself, don't you?
- you must be kidding with that 250k double array right?
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
Yes you are right, if there is a single number then the answer should be that number, but I stil get WA.( not compilation error)
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
Well, I must say that finding the bug in your program took me about one hour and tenths of submissions. I looked at the WA test, 5, and realize that your sorting wasn't ok, comparing to a bubble sort. So, studying your quicksort, I found that the flipping of nr[i] and nr[j] uses x as intermediate value, which is incorrect because x is used in the function furthermore. I wondered from the first time what was the use of that 'y' so... Are you thinking what I'm thinking? :)
And again, whats the idea with that 250k array? Or only testing brute force? :D
PS: you aren't at the ONI right now?
Edited by author 25.03.2005 23:03
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
Posted by
Mustafa 25 Mar 2005 23:04
Thanks, I'm such an idiot, usually I use an y for the swaping, as you can see "am alocat pe y", but didn't use it. I guess I'm sorry I took 1 h an a halt of you'r tine. Thanks.
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
This is my dirty code. So is mustafa. Sorry because I got mixed up in them.
Edited by author 25.03.2005 23:27
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
Stil I get WA at test 1.
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
The first test is 1 1
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
And the answer should be 1. Exactly like my program outputs but my program stil gets WA.
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
How can I be at ONI. I am the 8-th grade, I'll be at ONI after 29th of March. Right now I am at ONIbyNET, for the 9th grade.
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
var n,i:longint;
nr:array[0..250000] of double;
procedure quick(li,ls:longint);
var i,j:longint;
i:=li; j:=ls; x:=nr[(li+ls) div 2];
while nr[i]<x do inc(i);
while nr[j]>x do dec(j);
if i<=j then
x:=nr[i]; nr[i]:=nr[j]; nr[j]:=x; <== Change (x<=>y) :)
inc(i); dec(j);
until i>j;
if i<ls then quick(i,ls);
if j>li then quick(li,j);
for i:=1 to n do readln(nr[i]);
if n=1 then writeln(nr[1] / 2 :0:1)
else if n mod 2<>0 then writeln(nr[n div 2+1]:0:0)
else writeln((nr[n div 2]+nr[n div 2+1]) / 2:0:1);
And you got MLE!!!
Re: Why dis program not work? I think it should get AC it gets WA
And the answer should be 1. Exactly like my program outputs but my program stil gets WA.
Answer should be 1.0!!!