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Discussion of Problem 1356. Something Easier

What is wrong? Way WA on test 1?
Posted by ss 29 Mar 2005 18:07
|var t:longint;
|    x,i,a,b,c,len:longint;
|    ar:array[1..11000]of longint;
|function simple(x:longint):boolean;
|var i:integer;
|  if x=1 then begin simple:=false; exit; end;
|  for i:=2 to trunc(sqrt(x))do
|    if x mod i =0 then begin
|      simple:=false;
|      exit
|    end;
|  simple:=true;
|procedure razb(x:longint;var a,b,c:longint);
|var i,j,k:longint;
|  j:=1;
|  i:=1;
|  while (ar[i]<=x) and (i<=len) do begin
|    j:=i;
|    while (ar[j]<=x)and (j<=len) do begin
|      if x-ar[i]-ar[j]>=0 then
|         if simple(x-ar[i]-ar[j]) then begin
|            a:=ar[i];
|            b:=ar[j];
|            c:=x-ar[i]-ar[j];
|          if(a=0) or(b=0) or(c=0) then begin
|            a:=ar[i];
|            b:=ar[j];
|            c:=x-ar[i]-ar[j];
|            exit;
|          end
|        end;
|        inc(j);
|       end;
|    inc(i);
|  end;
|  t:=1;
|  for i:=2 to 100000 do
|    if simple(i) then begin
|      ar[t]:=i;
|      inc(t);
|    end;
|  len:=t;
|  readln(t);
|  for i:=1 to t do begin
|    readln(x);
|    if simple(x) then begin writeln(x); continue; end
|    else razb(x,a,b,c);
|    if a<>0 then write(a,' ');
|    if b<>0 then write(b,' ');
|    if c<>0 then writeln(c,' ');
|  end;