back to boardWhat is type of the route numbers... Posted by Sid 16 Apr 2005 22:49 I have 2 qwestions: 1)what is type of route number 2)I got Memory limit#3... but I use lists... and can't understand where I use so much memory (Perhaps the couse is recursive function but i'm not sure) #include <iostream.h> bool bisy[1001]; short prev[1001]; short hod[1001]; short numb[1001]; struct node { short numb; short smej; node* next; }; node* ar[1001]; void rec(short rr,short step) { node* g; g=ar[rr];
while (g!=NULL) { if (hod[g->smej]==-1 ||hod[g->smej]<step && !bisy[g->numb]) { hod[g->smej]=step; numb[g->smej]=g->numb; prev[g->smej]=rr; bisy[g->numb]=true; rec(g->smej,step+1); bisy[g->numb]=false; } g=g->next; }
} void print(int x) { if (hod[x]>0) { print(prev[x]); cout<<numb[x]<<"\n"; } } int main() {
int j,k,n,v1,v2,r; for (j=0;j<1001;j++) { ar[j]=NULL; bisy[j]=false; prev[j]=-1; numb[j]=-1; hod[j]=-1; } cin>>n; node* d; for(k=0;k<n;k++) { cin>>v1>>v2; d=new node; d->numb=k+1; d->smej=v2; d->next=ar[v1]; ar[v1]=d; } cin>>r>>v1>>v2; hod[v1]=0; hod[v2]=0; rec(v1,1); rec(v2,1); if (hod[r]==-1) { cout<<"IMPOSSIBLE\n"; return 0; } cout<<hod[r]<<"\n";
print(r); return 0; } |