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Discussion of Problem 1068. Sum

Simple solution
Posted by Afgan Abbasov 21 Jan 2006 14:13
Var n:LongInt;
  If n=0 then WriteLn(1) else WriteLn((abs(n+1)*(n-1)+n+1) div 2);
Re: Simple solution
Posted by botl_ayhan 21 Jan 2006 15:44
qardas bu dusturu azi 10 defe hemin forumda veribler
Posted by ACM.Tolstobrov_Anatoliy[Ivanovo SPU] 21 Jan 2006 16:38

But Who Cares You Simple Program?
Posted by Akshin Salimov 22 Jan 2006 03:14
Hey... you even know the quantity of
correct formulas on this forum... smart boy...
It means that you needed them =)

P.S. Plz speak in English - This is an international forum!

Afgan, Necesan? Ne var ne yox?
Gorurem sen de teze bashdamisan... Sual olsa yaz!
Posted by Afgan Abbasov 22 Jan 2006 23:32
Qardas bu formulun duz deyirsen 100 cur novunu yaziblar.Men istedim daha yaxsisi olsun.Umumi olsun.Ona gore bunu yazdim.Formul + ve - ucun eynidir(duz isleyir),yalniz sifirda sehvdir.Onuda if ile gostermisem.

This formule calculate - and + correct.Only n=0 then calculate false.
Re: ?
Posted by Afgan Abbasov 22 Jan 2006 23:33

Edited by author 16.02.2006 00:11
Re: SHAME!!!
Posted by botl_ayhan 23 Jan 2006 12:43
no i did not need them. I visited forum after i got AC.

ele bele. meze ucun....

Edited by author 24.01.2006 12:51
Re: Cavab
Posted by botl_ayhan 24 Jan 2006 12:50
Please do not give the right source code here. It gives chance to some people to unfairly get AC. Even if it's a very simple task.

aaaah. what the hell. he's right. who cares?

Edited by author 13.03.2008 12:16
Re: Cavab
Posted by Afgan Abbasov 24 Jan 2006 22:40
bu suali 30 deq umumi bir dustur oturub cixardim ve istedimki,buraya yazim.bu dustur yalniz 0-da sehv gosterir.Evvelce bu formulun burada olduqunu bilmirdim,sonradan gordun.Sene bu dusturun cixarilisini Bakiya derse gelende gostererem.
Please, use English (-)
Posted by Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff 24 Jan 2006 22:49
Re: Please, use English (-)
Posted by botl_ayhan 24 Jan 2006 23:34
OK. just one last last thing.

Efqan, Mesele dusturda deyil meni sehv basa dushme.
neyse. bakiya ne vat gelirsen? gelde heftesonlari.
Re: Please, use English (-)
Posted by Afgan Abbasov 25 Jan 2006 00:10
Vaxt olan kimi gelecem.
Re: Please, use English (-)
Posted by celilsatol 7 Mar 2006 17:08
salam bu efgandi menem celil mene sum programina komek et.Xais edirem.Gozleyirem.saq ol.Sene ugurlar.
Re: Simple solution
Posted by Suel 11 Jan 2007 19:56
Ele mi?
Re: Simple solution
Posted by MIG29 23 Feb 2008 16:18
Zatknites nah! :[