вернуться в форумSomebody knows what is wrong with my program? My program have WA1,but it's give me a correct answer for a test from task. #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(){ long h,w,j,i=0; double k,s=0,p=0; long ar[110][110]; char c=0; cin >>w >>h; while (i<w*h && c!=EOF) { if (c=='0' || c=='1') {ar[i/w+1][i%w+1]=c-'0';i++;} c=getchar(); } for (i=0;i<=h;i++){ar[i][0]=0;ar[i][w+1]=0;} for (i=0;i<=w;i++){ar[0][i]=0;ar[h+1][i]=0;} for (i=1;i<=h;i++) for (j=1;j<=w;j++) { if (ar[i][j]==1) s++; else continue; if (ar[i-1][j]==0 || ar[i+1][j]==0 || ar[i][j-1]==0 || ar[i][j+1]==0) p++; } p=p+3; k=p*p/s; if (k<13) printf("circle"); else if (k<18) printf("square"); else printf("triangle"); return 0; } Maybe I have some problem with input? P.S Sorry,for my bad english. |