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Обсуждение задачи 1153. Суперкомпьютер

Zubyk Taras(Khmelnitsky) Give me your answer for this tests. And help me. [3] // Задача 1153. Суперкомпьютер 11 май 2006 19:01
I have WA#1, but my program is correct.
Give me some tests And answer for this tests:
Input  1 : 120
My answer : 15

Input  2 : 1081
My answer : 46

Input  3 : 1073845
My answer : 1465

Input  4 : 500500
My answer : 1000

Input  5 : 11325
My answer : 150

Input  6 : 17391
My answer : 186

Input  7 : 122750946
My answer : 15668

Input  8 : 906531
My answer : 1346

Input  9 : 154290
My answer : 555

Input  10 : 7620753696
My answer : 123456

Thanks Advanced !!!!
check if any char is a digit
tproger No subject // Задача 1153. Суперкомпьютер 24 янв 2018 22:45
My AC program gives that answers for your tests
120: 15
1081: 46
1073845: 1465
500500: 1000
11325: 150
17391: 186
122750946: 15668
906531: 1346
154290: 555
7620753696: 123456

Edited by author 24.01.2018 22:46