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Discussion of Problem 1014. Product of Digits

WA on #1. tested several times and don't know the problem
Posted by MeteorRain 16 May 2006 19:03
// ural1014 The Product of Digits
// MR

[code deleted]

Edited by author 16.05.2006 19:08

Edited by moderator 17.05.2006 00:06
Re: WA on #1. tested several times and don't know the problem
Posted by Burunduk1 16 May 2006 20:24
I've launched your program on tests 9 and 81.
Your program's answers:
where <1> and <2> - symbols with such ASCII codes.
Re: WA on #1. tested several times and don't know the problem
Posted by MeteorRain 17 May 2006 13:42
i've tested the program under my system (windows xp) with gcc in the dev-cpp and didn't find any strange ASCII charactors after lines.

i really wonder if there're differences between windows and *nix/*bsd on I/O output.


Edited by author 17.05.2006 13:43
Re: WA on #1. tested several times and don't know the problem
Posted by MeteorRain 17 May 2006 13:50
Well, i replace the

putchar('0' + i);

with the

printf("%d", i);

and it gets AC.

i'm more confused >_<