back to boardWA#6 Why? This is my program (Written in C++): #include <iostream> using namespace std; int day(int yy,int mm) { int s=0; if (mm==1) s=31; if (mm==2) { if (yy%100==0 && (yy>1918 || (yy==1918 && mm>=2))) {if (yy%400==0) s=29; else s=28;} else {if (yy%4==0) s=29; else s=28;} } if (mm==3) s=31; if (mm==4) s=30; if (mm==5) s=31; if (mm==6) s=30; if (mm==7) s=31; if (mm==8) s=31; if (mm==9) s=30; if (mm==10) s=31; if (mm==11) s=30; if (mm==12) s=31; return s; } int week(int yyyy,int mm) { int i,j;long long s; s=1; if (yyyy>1918 || (yyyy==1918 && mm>=2)) j=1918; else j=1600; for (i=j;i<yyyy;i++) { if (i%100==0 && (yyyy>1918 || (yyyy==1918 && mm>=2))) {if (i%400==0) s=s+366; else s=s+365;} else {if (i%4==0) s=s+366; else s=s+365;} } for (i=1;i<mm;i++) s=s+day(yyyy,i); return s%7; } void print(int da,int wek,int dd,int yyyy,int mm) { int a[7][6],i,j; for (i=0;i<7;i++) for (j=0;j<6;j++) a[i][j]=0; int x=wek,y=0,z=6; for (i=1;i<=da;i++) { if (yyyy==1918 && mm==2 && i==1) {i=14;x=3;} a[x][y]=i; if (x==6) {x=0;y++;} else x++; } if (a[0][5]==0 && a[6][5]==0) z--; if (a[0][4]==0 && a[6][4]==0) z--; if (a[0][3]==0 && a[6][3]==0) z--; for (i=0;i<7;i++) { switch (i){ case 0:cout<<"mon";break; case 1:cout<<"tue";break; case 2:cout<<"wed";break; case 3:cout<<"thu";break; case 4:cout<<"fri";break; case 5:cout<<"sat";break; case 6:cout<<"sun";break; } for (j=0;j<z;j++) { if (a[i][j]>0 || j<z-1) cout<<" "; if (a[i][j]==dd) cout<<"["; else if (a[i][j]>0 || j<z-1 )cout<<" "; if (a[i][j]==0 && j<z-1) cout<<" "; if (a[i][j]<10 && a[i][j]>0) cout<<" "<<a[i][j]; if (a[i][j]>9) cout<<a[i][j]; if (a[i][j]==dd) cout<<"]"; else if (a[i][j+1]>0 && j<z-1) cout<<" "; } cout<<endl; } return; } int main() { int dd,mm,yyyy; cin>>dd>>mm>>yyyy; print(day(yyyy,mm),week(yyyy,mm),dd,yyyy,mm); system("PAUSE"); return 0; } I have found the diffence between before February, 1918 and after. But when the #6 test. I have wrong answer. Why? (In February 1918, there are only 14th to 28th, Is that right?) |