вернуться в форумWhy do I have WA#8 using KMP? Help me, please... (+) Послано Alexey 25 авг 2006 19:25 [deleted] Procedure Prefix; Var i,kk:longint; Begin kk:=0; For i:=2 to n do Begin While (kk>0) and (a[kk+1]<>a[i]) do kk:=p[kk]; If a[kk+1]=b[i] then inc(kk); p[i]:=kk; End; End; [deleted] Thanks. Edited by author 27.08.2006 12:38 Re: Why do I have WA#8 using KMP? Help me, please... (+) your prefix function change 'b' whith 'a' and get AC If a[kk+1]=b[i] then inc(kk) -> If a[kk+1]=a[i] then inc(kk) Re: Why do I have WA#8 using KMP? Help me, please... (+) Послано Alexey 27 авг 2006 12:37 Oh, thanks! What a stupid mistake! I must be more attentive! Re: Why do I have WA#8 using KMP? Help me, please... (+) Someone knows what is that test? give me some tests please... Why do I have Crash acces violation on #8? Послано Marija 5 июн 2008 16:02 program stringtale; var x,y:array[1..10000] of char; n,i,s:integer;t:boolean;p:char; Begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do read(x[i]);readln; for i:=1 to n do read(y[i]);s:=0;t:=false; while (not t) and (s<n) do Begin t:=true; for i:=1 to n do if x[i]<>y[i] then t:=false; s:=s+1; p:=x[n]; for i:=n downto 2 do x[i]:=x[i-1]; x[1]:=p; End; if t then write(s-1) else write('-1'); End. Re: Why do I have Crash acces violation on #8? because your program not works for n>=32000(integer) but n maybe 250000. And x and y in your program very short - 10000, but maybe 250000 |