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Обсуждение задачи 1357. Чайник для чайников

Shall they all get their tea in the same day?
Послано SPIRiT 28 авг 2006 13:08
The problem says that they wake up in the same day (but in different time). But what if some dummies will have to wait until the midnight passes? I can output the time then, but it will lead to misunderstanding. Is it guaranteed, that they all shall be able to drink in the same day?
Re: Shall they all get their tea in the same day?
Послано AlexF 28 авг 2006 15:31
No! You should check this situation, too! Some of them maybe will be able to drink tea after midnight! ) good luck!)
Another question arose in my mind...(+)
Послано SPIRiT 29 авг 2006 14:40
What shall I use for these formulas. Is float or double precision enough for that, or perhaps I should use fractional arifmetics (represent fractions nominator and denominator)?
Re: Another question arose in my mind...(+)
Послано AlexF 29 авг 2006 20:24
I got AC with double precision!)