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Discussion of Problem 1083. Factorials!!!

if u have wa 15(ADMINS read this)
Posted by v0id 5 Apr 2007 03:01
I tried to solve this test nearly 2 hours and always got WA.The problem was that numbers of "!" can be more than 20 (in 15 test). So my program with next code got wa:
char s[20]
int n;
scanf("%d %s",&n,&s);
int k = strlen(s);

i changed char s[20] to char s[100] and got ac. Admins, plz correct it.
You are wrong. 15 test is correct. (-)
Posted by Sandro (USU) 5 Apr 2007 11:29
Re: You are wrong. 15 test is correct. (-)
Posted by v0id 5 Apr 2007 14:15
so why i got ac after changing 20 to 100 ? 0_o
Re: You are wrong. 15 test is correct. (-)
Posted by Alias (Alexander Prudaev) 5 Apr 2007 17:02
please , send me your source code
String of 20 '!' has length 21. Remember about '\0' character. (-)
Posted by Sandro (USU) 5 Apr 2007 20:00