вернуться в форумWhy CE? Послано Denis 12 сен 2007 18:56 I have no idea why I have CE on this solution. Can anyone help me? #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; long double eps = 1e-4; int main () { double r, l, sq; cin>>l>>r; if (2*r <= l) { sq = M_PI*r*r; } else if (l*l <= 2*r*r) { sq = l*l; } else { double cs = (l/2)/r, angle; angle = acos (cs); sq = r*l/2*sin (angle); angle *= 8, sq *= 4; double sq2 = (2*M_PI-angle)*r*r/2; if (sq2 < eps) { sq -= sq2; } else { sq += sq2; } } printf ("%.3lf", sq); return 0; } Re: Why CE? Послано Kholdi 9 янв 2008 19:43 It was my problem too. just use 3.1415... instead of M_PI. M_PI is not declared for the INTEL compiler. |