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Обсуждение задачи 1414. Астрономическая база данных

C++ Input handling (end of input, that is)
Послано Mihail Minkov 19 сен 2007 18:46
Hi, i'm having problems with the input of this task.

How does my program know when the input is over?

It would be very helpful if you could give me a code sample (only the input, not the actual task :) ). Something like:

#what libraries the input needs

while(way to know the input is over)
way_to_read (scanf, cin ...something else?)

Thanks, I believe if i get this part, the rest will work first time :)

Re: C++ Input handling (end of input, that is)
Послано Alias (Alexander Prudaev) 19 сен 2007 21:04
char s[1000];

while (scanf("%s", s) != EOF)

Edited by author 19.09.2007 21:04
read faq
Послано Vladimir Yakovlev (USU) 20 сен 2007 15:55
Re: read faq
Послано Denis Koshman 17 авг 2008 23:52
while(scanf("%s", s) == 1)

Edited by author 17.08.2008 23:53