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Обсуждение задачи 1161. Stripies

Sergio Ligregni COMPILATION ERROR in the Array declaration!!! [3] // Задача 1161. Stripies 29 янв 2008 10:16
can you please help me about what is wrong about this?

You tried to solve problem 1161 Stripies.
Your solution was compiled with the following errors:

93e006e3-949c-4a74-a88f-eb4b2c6dc082(19): error: expression must have a constant value
int set[N];

/* why can't I declare a new array like this? (N is integer) */

93e006e3-949c-4a74-a88f-eb4b2c6dc082(61): error: expression must have a constant value
int aux[max-min+1], i=min, k=0;

/* The same */

93e006e3-949c-4a74-a88f-eb4b2c6dc082(61): error: expression must have a constant value
int aux[max-min+1], i=min, k=0;

/* Two errors on the same line!!! */

compilation aborted for 93e006e3-949c-4a74-a88f-eb4b2c6dc082 (code 2)
Romko [Lviv NU] Re: COMPILATION ERROR in the Array declaration!!! [2] // Задача 1161. Stripies 29 янв 2008 20:22
You couldn't declare array with nonconstant value! In this case try to use dynamic array, or vector.
int aux = new int[N];
vector<int> aux(N);
Sergio Ligregni Re: COMPILATION ERROR in the Array declaration!!! [1] // Задача 1161. Stripies 30 янв 2008 10:27
Thaks for helping (I didn´t tried yet)

But... does C (ANSI C, not C++) accept the "vector" type or "int a = new int[10]"???

I have solved dozens of problems using "int a[x];" at UVa online judge, I think there could be more reasonable to forbid the "vector" type using (not elemental) than "int a[x];" (ANSI C elemental array using)

Thanks I hope your reply

Sergio Ligregni, MEX
Romko [Lviv NU] Re: COMPILATION ERROR in the Array declaration!!! // Задача 1161. Stripies 31 янв 2008 01:26
Sorry I've made a mistake...
Not int aux = new int[N];
should be : int * aux = new int[N];

P.S. I don't know how to be with ANSI C, because I've never use it...
P.P.S. I always use vector(or other STL containers).