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Обсуждение задачи 1638. Книжный червь

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I can't understand the problem's statement Bahturin Alexander (SibSUTI) 11 окт 2008 13:32
If the worm starts from the first sheet of the first volume and finishes at the last one of the second volume, how could the answer for the sample input be 2, given that the thikness of the book (not including the cover) is 10?
Re: I can't understand the problem's statement Aisenshtein Daniil 11 окт 2008 14:24
No comments
Re: I can't understand the problem's statement Samsonov Ivan (Rybinsk SAAT) 13 окт 2008 13:05
Worm can move both left and right. Stop for a while and think about it.
In some languages, the "first page" of a book is on the left side of the book when the book is placed on a shelf.   In which case "10 1 1 2" == 22.
Re: I can't understand the problem's statement german_goncharov 16 апр 2019 20:45
Just take two books and try - you will find answer immediately
Re: I can't understand the problem's statement Sultana Razia 5 окт 2020 18:46
I fully agree with you.How could the answer for sample input be 2.