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Обсуждение задачи 1659. Правильные треугольники

How to consider a point lie strickly inside the triangle ?
Послано Khúc Anh Tuấn 1 ноя 2008 15:40
If I have a point lie on an edge of triangle, then move it by very small distance, is it considered inside the triangle
Re: How to consider a point lie strickly inside the triangle ?
Послано Smilodon_am 11 ноя 2008 16:51
After the contest the problem description was changed (as I found out). The new requirement was added:
"The distance between any new point and given triangle sides must be at least 0.1"

When I was solving this problem during the contest this requirement was absent. So I didn't get AC
Re: How to consider a point lie strickly inside the triangle ?
Послано Vedernikoff Sergey (HSE: EconomicsForever!) 11 ноя 2008 17:26
This requirement WAS there during the contest (at least, when I was solving the problem in the first two hours of the contest). Probably, you didn't notic it.