вернуться в форумWeak tests I know AC solution that fails the following test: 2 3000000000 3000000000 The problem test set awhile does not contain tests where median computed as average of two elements and sum of these elements is greater than 2^32 - 1. Re: Weak tests I know AC solution that fails the following test: 2 3000000000 3000000000 use a / 2.0 + b / 2.0 instead of (a + b) / 2.0 Re: Weak tests http://acm.timus.ru/news.aspx 3.02.2009. Problem 1306 Sequence Median. Statement updated Now each element of the sequence is a positive integer not greater than 2^31−1 inclusive (old limitation was 2^32−1). Edited by author 31.03.2009 15:10 |