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Обсуждение задачи 1435. Финансовая ошибка

Changes in problem 1435 Financial Error
Послано Vladimir Yakovlev (USU) 16 мар 2009 01:23
The limitation on N is reduced from 1500000 to 200000. The time limit is reduced from 2 seconds to 0.4 seconds. Tests that do not meet the new limitations are removed. New tests for various tricky cases are added. All solutions have been rejudged.
Re: Changes in problem 1435 Financial Error
Послано Vedernikoff Sergey (HSE: EconomicsForever!) 16 мар 2009 01:37
Wow, results for the contest are also reviewed - I went up =)
Re: Changes in problem 1435 Financial Error
Послано NickSergeev[MSU MindCraft] 16 мар 2009 01:49
Why? it's so stupid for me to resolving that not - interesting problem! Are you CrAzY?
You may not resolve it if you don't want
Послано Vladimir Yakovlev (USU) 16 мар 2009 02:09
It is our rule to add new tests to old problems. If your solution gives incorrect results or works slowly in some cases, why it should be stored here with Accepted status? It will be unfair to those who will solve this problem with new tests.