back to boardWhy WA 13?? Tell my please, why I have Wrong Answer on test number 13 and if it is not problem, tell how I can solve this problem to e-mail WitaliyProg@mail.ru Thanks! Re: Why WA 13?? Maybe you consider not all cases or some cases are considered incorrectly. Be patient in singular cases. Try this: ------ 1 1 ------ 2 2 ------ 8 2 ------ 12 3 ------ 45 2 ------ 32028 4 ------ 59999 4 ------ 60000 3 ------ 20242 2 ------ 12005 2 ------ 33333 3 ------ 2401 1 ------ 42025 1 ------ 4001 2 ------ 2999 4 ------ 29645 2 ------ 9999 4 ------ 512 2 ------ I had WA #15 in second version of problem (1593) and had wrong in tests like 2^(2k+1)*square. The tests above are on all cases in solution from that version. If you have DP, maybe you have little bug in it. I hope, that these tests will help you. Re: Why WA 13?? Thanks! I dont use DP. Maybe you can tell me how to make not DP solution? Please... My e-mail WitaliyProg@mail.ru Thanks !!)) Re: Why WA 13?? Sended on email. |