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Обсуждение задачи 1718. Реджадж

when 6-th test is removed, the 7-th became the 6-th??
Послано melkiy 10 окт 2009 15:23
it's very important for understanding the condition!
Re: when 6-th test is removed, the 7-th became the 6-th??
Послано Yarik 10 окт 2009 16:53
of course
Re: when 6-th test is removed, the 7-th became the 6-th??
Послано SkidanovAlex 12 окт 2009 23:31
In fact it is not "of course"
And actually the only thing that makes it not ambiguos is sample test.
Many systems allow to have test numbers to be not consecutive. It makes possible to make funny tasks with the 1st test which is sample and 3112nd test, which is not, when person gets WA #3112 and thinks like "WHAT????!!!"
And the fact that tests on the competition in this task are consecutive is not obvious.

Edited by author 12.10.2009 23:31
Re: when 6-th test is removed, the 7-th became the 6-th??
Послано Alexander Udalov [SPbSU] 16 окт 2009 01:43
And, by the way, it is assumed in this problem that every solution acts exactly the same being run on the same set of tests, which is clearly not always true in the real world.