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Обсуждение задачи 1749. Периодическая сумма

Is it possible to solve this problem without long arithmetic?
Послано bsu.mmf.team 19 фев 2010 00:51
If no, please, tell me, where can I find class BigInteger. Such one, that I wrote myself, works too slow :(
Re: Is it possible to solve this problem without long arithmetic?
Послано MeLodyloveyr 25 фев 2010 04:57
I think it's possible to solve it without BigNum.The question asks you to mod m...so it can't be over m
Re: Is it possible to solve this problem without long arithmetic?
Послано bsu.mmf.team 3 мар 2010 11:00
Yes, but the number p can be too big, and it's impossible to calculate the answer faster, than O(n^2), where n = [lg(p)], i.e. it is a very slow method. Does anybody know faster one?

Edited by author 20.03.2010 02:31
Re: Is it possible to solve this problem without long arithmetic?
Послано SkidanovAlex 21 апр 2010 03:08
It is possible to solve this problem in O(lg(p) * ln(n)).
And you don't need long arithmetic, just do all the computations modulo p. 64 bit integer is enough in this case.
Re: Is it possible to solve this problem without long arithmetic?
Послано Nemanja Skoric 23 май 2010 07:14
It can be even solved in O( lg(p) + ln(n) )