вернуться в форумQuestion!!! What's wrong??? What's 6 WA??? Why??? My programm enables big numbers!!! Could you tell me some tests with right answers? Re: Question!!! #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> char* add(char *p1, char *p2) { char *p; char temp=0, end1=0, end2=0; int len,i; len=strlen(p1)>strlen(p2)?strlen(p1)+2:strlen(p2)+2; p=(char *)malloc(len*sizeof(char)); for(i=0; i<len-1; ++i) { if(!p1[i]) end1=1; if(!p2[i]) end2=1; if(end1&&end2&&!temp) break; if(!end1) temp+=(p1[i]-'0'); if(!end2) temp+=(p2[i]-'0'); p[i]=temp%10+'0'; temp/=10; } p[i]=0; while(p[--i]=='0'&& &p[i]!=p) p[i]=0; return p; } char* sub(char *p1, char *p2) { char *p; char temp=0, end1=0, end2=0; int len,i; len=strlen(p1)>strlen(p2)?strlen(p1)+2:strlen(p2)+2; p=(char *)malloc(len*sizeof(char)); for(i=0; i<len-1; ++i) { if(!p1[i]) end1=1; if(!p2[i]) end2=1; if(end1&&end2&&!temp) break; if(!end1) temp+=(p1[i]-'0'); if(!end2) temp-=(p2[i]-'0'); p[i]=(temp+100)%10+'0'; if(temp<0) { temp/=10; temp--; } else temp=0; } p[i]=0; while(p[--i]=='0'&& &p[i]!=p) p[i]=0; return p; } char* mul(char *p1, int k) { char *p; char temp=0, end1=0; int len,i; len=strlen(p1)+2; p=(char *)malloc(len*sizeof(char)); if(k==10) { p[0]='0'; p[1]=0; strcat(p,p1); return p; } for(i=0; i<len-1; ++i) { if(!p1[i]) end1=1; if(end1&&!temp) break; if(!end1) temp+=(p1[i]-'0')*k; p[i]=temp%10+'0'; temp/=10; } p[i]=0; while(p[--i]=='0'&& &p[i]!=p) p[i]=0; return p; } void printb(char *p) { int i; for(i=strlen(p)-1;i>=0; i--) printf("%c", p[i]); } int main() { int N, K; int i; char* result, *t1, *t2; char* Nulls[2000];
printf("Enter N and K: "); scanf("%d%d",&N,&K);
Nulls[0]="0"; result=(char *)malloc(2*sizeof(char)); result[0]=K-1+'0'; result[1]=0; try { for(i=1; i<N;++i) { Nulls[i]=sub(result,Nulls[i-1]); t1=mul(Nulls[i],K); t2=mul(Nulls[i-1],(K-1)); result=add(t1,t2); free(t1); free(t2); } } catch(...) { printf("Error"); while(!kbhit()); return 0; } printf("Result = "); printb(result); free(result); while(!kbhit()); return 0; } |