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Discussion of Problem 1001. Reverse Root

what is you'r mean about the size of input stream.
Posted by shahmohammadi 10 May 2011 03:44
the size whit counting blanks and line breaks or without them?.

Edited by author 10.05.2011 03:46
Re: what is you'r mean about the size of input stream.
Posted by AterLux 10 May 2011 15:49
with blanks and line breaks. I.e. total size of the input file
Re: what is you'r mean about the size of input stream.
Posted by shahmohammadi 11 May 2011 03:14
we must write a program that it must not allow the user to give much than 256kb?
we must write it's code?
or when problem say that Ai must be less than 10^18 and we use 64bit variable, we must test it?
thank you.

Edited by author 11.05.2011 03:28
Re: what is you'r mean about the size of input stream.
Posted by AterLux 11 May 2011 13:02
All conditions given in task description must be comply in test-cases.
So, when problem say that Ai must be less than 10^18 - it guarantee to you, than no one test will contain number more or equal to 10^18, and using 64bit integer for input reading - enough to take AC, you need not to check input for this.

Further, input not more than 256kb, and numbers separated at least with one symbol - this both means than input will not contain more than 256K / 2 = 131072 numbers - you freely can to use arrays of this size.

But it not guarantee, for example, that input will be splited in several lines. So, you have to be carefull, if you're using line-by-line reading with charbuffer (for example, ReadLn in pascal into array of char)

Excuse my English ;)