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Обсуждение задачи 1005. Куча камней

What my solution is Time Limit Exceed?
Послано bentham 15 май 2011 06:58

I have submitted my solution 2 times, and I get Time Limit Exceed, I dont understand why?, can someone help me, maybe its my loop, but I still dont understand, here its my code

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class StonePile {

    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
        StreamTokenizer str = new StreamTokenizer(new

BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)));
        //int diff = 0;
        int[] array = new int[(int) str.nval + 1];
        int array2[] = new int[array.length - 1];
        int i = 0;
        int diff = 0;

        while (((str.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL))) {

            if (str.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) {
                // System.out.println(i);
                array[i++] = (int) str.nval;



        for (int j = 0; j < array.length - 2; j++) {
            diff = Math.abs(array[j + 1] - array[j]);
            array2[j] = diff;
            // System.out.println("El array es en" + j+" es"+



Re: What my solution is Time Limit Exceed?
Послано AterLux 16 май 2011 12:14
may be there is no TT_EOL in input

you need not to wait EOL or EOF because in this task input has a determined size.

Read this: http://acm.timus.ru/help.aspx?topic=java.

you can call pair of "str.nextToken(); (int)str.nval;" so many times how first number you readed, without any checking for EOL or EOF.

after that you can get your WA ;)

Re: What my solution is Time Limit Exceed?
Послано bentham 17 май 2011 09:03
thanks for answer, so I still dont understand what the problem ask? in other thread it says that brute force search, can you explain me what the problem ask me to do, I need to generate permutation ?? I dont know much about algorithms

this is my code
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class StonePile {

    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
        StreamTokenizer str = new StreamTokenizer(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)));
        //int diff = 0;
        int[] array = new int[(int) str.nval];
        int array2[] = new int[array.length];
        int i = 0;
        int diff = 0;

        for (int k = 0; k <= array.length - 1 && str.nextToken() <= k; k++) {

            if (str.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) {
                array[i] = (int) str.nval;


        for (int j = 0; j < array.length - 1; j++) {
            diff = Math.abs(array[j + 1] - array[j]);
            array2[j] = diff;
            //System.out.println("El array es en" + j+" es"+ array2[j]);



Edited by author 18.05.2011 04:03