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Discussion of Problem 1001. Reverse Root

Wrong answer(please help with input array)
Posted by Dmitriy 8 Sep 2011 13:50
Code: C/C++
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    const int N=10000;
    double a[N];
    long count=0,i;

while (std::cin>>a[i]) {
    return 0; }
Question:How to insert an array to provide input before the end of the border
Please help, I`am beginner=( Thanks.
Re: Wrong answer(please help with input array)
Posted by morbidel 8 Sep 2011 20:29
1. N can be maximum 131072 so adjust N accordingly.
2. Move double A[N] outside the main function as it exceeds the stack memory.
3. Initialize i and increase it after reading a[i].
4. You have two statements of cin >> a[i]. Delete the second one.
5. Eliminate %25.4 from the printing, leave just %.4

You'll get AC.

Edited by author 08.09.2011 20:29
Re: Wrong answer(please help with input array)
Posted by MaximG. 25 Oct 2011 20:10
could you tell me , why 131072?
Re: Wrong answer(please help with input array)
Posted by morbidel 25 Oct 2011 20:42
The statement say that the input size does not exceed 256KB that means 262144 bytes. The "worst" input should be "d d d" etc (one digit number, one space) so there can be maximum of INPUT/2 numbers.
Re: Wrong answer(please help with input array)
Posted by MaximG. 25 Oct 2011 22:19
2 morbidel: thank you very much!