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Discussion of Problem 1821. Biathlon

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Help please!!! I'dont understant problem!!! Enigma [UB of TUIT] 12 Sep 2011 15:21
Why input
Zaitseva 21:38.2
Hauswald 21:21.0
Boulygina 22:04.4
Henkel 22:06.1
Wilhelm 21:11.1
Jonsson 22:05.8
I found the explanation a bit below: for a contestant to be in the answer, their time must be better than all the previous ones.
Complication: more than 1 contestant can be on the track at the same time.

I only just realized this. It is very frustrating to not understand the problem requirements, and to code something which turns out to be incorrect.

Edited by author 14.12.2011 17:20
Please elaborate more, xerxe. I speak perfect English and yet I don't understand the wording of the problem!!

Edited by author 14.12.2011 22:07
The problem states that contestants start each 30 seconds. Let's say that running times are:
- Runner1 30:00.0 (starting at 0:00.0, finishing at 30:00.0)
- Runner2 29:31.0 (starting at 0:30.0, finishing at 30:01.0)
This means that
- Runner1 has the best time after 30 minutes from the start of the race
- Runner2 has the best time, 1 second after Runner1
So they are both in the top.
However, if:
- Runner1 30:00.0 (starting at 0:00.0, finishing at 30:00.0)
- Runner2 29:29.0 (starting at 0:30.0, finishing at 29:59.0)
Then Runner2 finishes BEFORE Runner1, so Runner1 will never have a best time.

An explanation for the problem sample is a bit below (http://acm.timus.ru/forum/thread.aspx?id=26847&upd=634557023855807397). For me, it was easier to explain on this other example.

Hope this is clear, good luck!

P.S.: I see you already have AC, congratulations!

Edited by author 16.12.2011 19:35
Re: Help please!!! I'dont understant problem!!! Jumabek_Alihonov 18 Apr 2012 19:24
thank you xerxe for clearly explaination