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Обсуждение задачи 1846. НОД 2010

Solve without Segment Tree
Послано havaliza 18 сен 2011 22:58
Is this problem solvable in any other way not using Segment Tree?
Can this problem solved using Fenwick Tree?
Re: Solve without Segment Tree
Послано Vit Demidenko 19 сен 2011 08:44
gcd ~ min
but, we can't use fenwick tree, because, when update, new minimum should be no more than previous.

but I could be wrong :)
Re: Solve without Segment Tree
Послано Kleninz 19 сен 2011 09:52
I used gcd tree and set. And I got TL 17. Then I remade my recursive update function to nonrecursive. I got AC. Then I remade my recursive get_gcd function to nonrecursive function. AND GOT TL AGAIN!
Послано Borozdin Kirill 19 сен 2011 20:26
Using a treap is another nice way.
AC 0.296 without any optimizations (and 0.234 after some :) )

Edited by author 20.09.2011 21:38
Re: Solve without Segment Tree
Послано Pavel Kovalenko 20 сен 2011 20:38
I use SQRT-decomposition. Accept 0.468 on Java.
Re: Solve without Segment Tree
Послано ibra (TNU) 20 сен 2011 21:21
I also solved it by Sqrt-decomposition. Accept 0.292 on C++
Augmented BST
Послано luckysundog 1 окт 2011 21:07
I used balanced bst (AVL tree), keeping GCD for each subtree. Got 0.39
Thought about segment tree but found it not so elegant. How does your segment tree solution look?

ibra, Pavel Kovalenko, thanks for sqrt-decomposition hint!

Edited by author 01.10.2011 21:08
Re: Augmented BST
Послано vlyubin 10 фев 2012 07:36
Did you use some modifications to Sqrt-decomposition? I seem to be unable to AC it. I use C++ (on Java it's a bit tougher) and I use multiset for storing integer, not a vector. I get TLE 22 ... I tried to modify sizes, but that doesn't seem to help.Did you use Sqrt-decomp twice?
Re: Solve without Segment Tree
Послано ucs6 23 апр 2012 23:11
Could you explain a little more about "SQRT-decomposition" or where I can find an introduction to it?
I tried google it but it's nowhere.
What is SQRT-decomposition?
Послано ucs6 24 апр 2012 10:42
Could you explain a little more about "SQRT-decomposition" or where I can find an introduction to it?
I tried google it but it's nowhere.
Re: Treap
Послано Jumbo 18 июл 2012 17:55
I got TL with treap ><, it's strange.
Can someone help me?
Code here: http://www.everfall.com/paste/id.php?bkqpp0lvnsye

Edited by author 18.07.2012 17:56

Edited by author 18.07.2012 17:56