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Обсуждение задачи 1852. Гигантский мезон с вишнями

Some clarifications
Послано espr1t 25 сен 2011 05:04
Here are some clarifications which might be useful (at least they would have been for me):
1. There are no figures on the squares, meaning central squares of each side can be rotated in any way.
2. Rotating 90-degrees clockwise means rotated when you are facing the side. For example, rotating the down side means turning the cube so you face the down side and then rotate 90 degrees.
3. This is more of a hint: the corners of the cube can be in the right place but oriented in the wrong way (this causes WA3).
Re: Some clarifications
Послано olpetOdessaONU [1 2/3] 25 сен 2011 12:49
Thank You for this clars!
Re: Some clarifications
Послано point3251 23 дек 2011 13:31
thanks ! For you help,I found out my mistake.