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Обсуждение задачи 1915. Руины титанов: воссоздание былого

TLE at 42
Послано Olympic Bear 23 окт 2012 21:16
How to prevent TLE? I use LinkedList (can AddFirst and AddLast) and use max size of set = n.
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Bogatyr 24 окт 2012 02:10
I'll give you the same hint that helped me see the way: Note that there are a maximum of 10^6 operations.
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Olympic Bear 24 окт 2012 14:53
I use this fact: when copy operation occurs then I copy not whole set but only part of set (so size of set always <= n). But this doesn't prevent from TLE. So, how to copy rapidly (I copy element by element)?
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Bogatyr 24 окт 2012 17:23
Hmm that sounds like the right idea, you might double check that your code matches your idea correctly.

> 1.031    32 120 KB

Looking at your submit data, you may need to be more aggressive in implementing your idea.

Edited by author 24.10.2012 17:26
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Olympic Bear 24 окт 2012 19:12
Now I use array with length 2*n instead of LinkedList.
So, I decrease memory:
>1.015    5 912 КБ
But how to decrease time? =)
Copy operation takes most time, but each time size of my array (amount of useful elemenets that can be pop) is not more than (n - i) elements.
So, how to optimize copy operation?
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Bogatyr 24 окт 2012 20:02
It's really hard to say without seeing code.   If you're correctly managing copies like you say, you shouldn't TLE.   Seems like you have a simple bug somewhere.  Try creating more perosnal test cases that focus on copies to start with.
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Olympic Bear 24 окт 2012 20:51
I've overwritten my code from C# to C++ and use memcpy for quick copying but TLE42 again =).
So, could you please send me your solution or tell me your mail to check my solution? My mail is on my profile page (hyperlink)
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Bogatyr 25 окт 2012 11:28
From the site FAQ on C/C++:

An example of how to use input/output is given above. C++ programmers may always choose between two input/output libraries: standard (scanf, printf) or stream (cin, cout) input/output. Stream input/output is easy to use, but it works much slower than standard input/output. This may even cause receiving the Time limit exceeded verdict. Therefore, if you see that a problem requires reading a lot of input data (for example, more than a megabyte) or a large output is expected, then you should better use standard input/output.
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Olympic Bear 25 окт 2012 15:19
Thank you, using of scanf and printf leads to AC.
This is bad problem when your algorithm is not so neccessary as quick reading and writing.
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Olympic Bear 25 окт 2012 16:43
For C# coders: use Console.In.ReadToEnd - for reading whole input file,
and use only once Console.Write for writing answer, and you'll get AC.
Re: TLE at 42
Послано Pegasus 23 апр 2013 19:09
I just can't understand, when I submit my code using g++4.7.2 c++11, I got TLE42, but vc++2010 or g++4.7.2, I can AC 0.64s. Then I try other problems I find g++4.7.2 is the best.

Edited by author 26.04.2013 15:20
Re: TLE at 42
Послано naik 11 ноя 2014 21:34
In Java use PrintWriter instead System.out.println.
I have TLE 1.015 with System.out.println, and I have time 0.703 with PrintWriter.