back to boardThe difference between VC++ and g++ Solved the problem using segment tree. Im using VC++ 12 and it's giving the correct answer for the sample. Still while sending (VC++ 2010) im getting WA 1. Changing it to G++ C++ 11 gives AC. What's the difference and why am i getting WA 1 when i choose VC++? Code: #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; const int MAXN=100000; pair<int, int> t[4*MAXN]; int z=1; void build_tree(int v, int tl, int tr) { if (tl==tr) { t[v]=make_pair(1,z++); return; } int tm=(tl+tr)/2; build_tree(2*v, tl, tm); build_tree(2*v+1, tm+1, tr); t[v].first=t[2*v].first+t[2*v+1].first; t[v].second=-1; } int req(int v, int tl, int tr, int n) { if (tl==tr) { --t[v].first; return t[v].second; } int tm=(tl+tr)/2; t[v].first--; if (t[2*v].first>=n) req(2*v, tl, tm, n); else req(2*v+1, tm+1,tr,n-t[2*v].first); } int main() { int n, k; cin>>n>>k; build_tree(1,1,100000); int cur=k; for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { int h=req(1,1,100000, cur); cout<<h<<" "; if (i==n-1) break; cur=(cur-1+k)%(n-1-i); if (cur==0) cur+=n-1-i; } } Edited by author 10.03.2013 07:20 Re: The difference between VC++ and g++ Posted by D4nick 21 May 2023 15:07 Not sure, but it could be because of this t[4*MAXN] instead of t[400000] |