back to boardWA14 Access violation Posted by Havard 22 May 2013 17:43 #include <cstdio> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #include <list> #include <vector> using namespace std; #define PB push_back #define BEG begin() #define MP make_pair #define F first #define S second bool compare(const pair<int,int> &left, const pair<int,int> &right){ return left.F <= right.F; } int main(){ int M; int readInt1, readInt2; vector<pair<int,int> > segments; vector<int> solutionInd; scanf("%d", &M); while(scanf("%d %d", &readInt1, &readInt2) && !(readInt1 == 0 && readInt2 == 0)){ segments.PB(MP(readInt1, readInt2)); } sort(segments.begin(), segments.end(), compare); if(segments.empty() || segments[0].F > 0){ printf("No solution\n"); return 0; }
int currEnd = 0; int segInd = 0; int ansInd = -1; int maxEnd = 0;
while(segInd < segments.size()){ while(segInd < segments.size() && segments[segInd].F <= currEnd){ if(segments[segInd].S > maxEnd){ maxEnd = segments[segInd].S; ansInd = segInd; }
segInd++; } solutionInd.PB(ansInd); currEnd = maxEnd;
if(currEnd >= M || segments[segInd].F > currEnd) break; } if(solutionInd.empty() || currEnd < M){ printf("No solution\n"); } else{ printf("%d \n", solutionInd.size()); for(int i = 0; i<solutionInd.size(); i++){ printf("%d %d\n", segments[solutionInd[i]].F, segments[solutionInd[i]].S); } }
Keep getting runtime error(Access violation) even though I can't find anywhere it is possible to go outside the vectors memory space.
Re: WA14 Access violation Posted by Havard 23 May 2013 17:06 Update: The problem was accepted when using visual studio compiler instead of g++. Re: WA14 Access violation Same thing happened to me. But why is that? Re: WA14 Access violation Hi, I get WA6 with g++ but get runtime error access violation on test case 14 with Visual Studio 2010 C++. Code : /* * File: main.cpp * Author: Parnami * Created on April 14, 2014, 10:18 PM * Description : TIMUS Online Judge Problem ID : 1303 (DP) */ #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <string> #include <queue> #include <cmath> #include <utility> #include <limits.h> using namespace std; inline int fastRead() { int input; char c=0; while (c<33) c=getchar(); input=0; while (c>33) { input=input*10+c-'0'; c=getchar(); } return input; } vector < pair <int,int> > myVec,answer; bool inRange(pair <int,int> cur, int starter) { if(starter>=cur.first && starter<cur.second) return true; return false; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int m,starter,ender,iter,i,flag; pair <int,int> maxxer,current; m = fastRead(); while(1) { cin>>starter>>ender; if(starter==0&&ender==0) break; if(ender<=0||(starter>=m&&ender>m)) { //Do Nothing } else { //cout<<"Pushing "<<starter<<"-"<<ender<<endl; myVec.push_back(make_pair(starter,ender)); } } if(!myVec.empty()) { sort(myVec.begin(),myVec.end()); iter = 0; starter=0; while(starter<m) { //cout<<starter<<endl; current = myVec[iter]; //cout<<"Yahaan Phuncha"<<endl; flag = 0; while(!inRange(current,starter) && iter!=myVec.size()) { //cout<<"Not in range : "<<current.first<<"-"<<current.second<<endl; iter++; current = myVec[iter]; } if(iter==myVec.size()) { //cout<<"End of vector nowhere to search"<<endl; flag = 1; break; } maxxer = current; iter++; if(iter==myVec.size()) {
} else { while(1) { if(myVec[iter].first>starter) { break; } else { if(myVec[iter].second>maxxer.second) { maxxer = myVec[iter]; } iter++; } } } //cout<<"Pushing into answer "<<maxxer.first<<"-"<<maxxer.second<<endl; answer.push_back(maxxer); starter = maxxer.second; } } else flag=1; if(flag) { cout<<"No solution"<<endl; } else { cout<<answer.size()<<endl; for(i=0;i<answer.size();i++) { cout<<answer[i].first<<" "<<answer[i].second<<endl; } } return 0; } Edited by author 15.04.2014 04:19 |