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Обсуждение задачи 1524. Men in Black

Questions on statement
Послано Jane Soboleva (SumNU) 31 май 2016 06:08
1. There's a «pair stat» thing... then, there are 4 quest descriptions above. In those formulas, it's not quite clear whether i should use pair stat or individual stat in each case.
For instance, «The time needed to perform investigation by an agent with intelligence i is mint/i where mint is the minimal time required to perform this investigation. After completing the investigation the agent gets (1−x)·i/mint experience, where x is agent's experience before the operation. His intelligence increases by (1−i)·i/mint.»
— should i use pair int or individual int in each case? I assumed that for mint/i we use group i to make it faster, and for latter two formulas we use individual exp and int (calculation as if everyone completed the quest by himself...)
Of course, judging by accuracy stat, which being used in a group makes it only worse (or at least not better), it's very likely i should also use other similar stats as group stats, but...

2. I'm also wondering about quest talk (negotiations), should i use group stats there at all?
For kill, there's «The number of monster kinds (at most 50), after that for each monster kind: the minimal experience needed to kill a monster of this kind, minimal intelligence needed to kill a monster of this kind»;
For investigation, there's a «minimal intelligence required to perform the investigation» given;
But for negotiations, there's given «the minimal experience >>>of an agent<<< that can take part in negotiations» — does that mean that i should use group stats in 2 and 3, but not in 4?

3. For negotiations quest, if there's an agent with good exp (0.9) but bad wlk and drv (0.01 each) + agent with 0.99 drv and a car, to make it fast; but with slightly worse exp of 0.85; and the minimal exp required for negotiations is 0.8. So: if for question 2 above, i shouldn't use group stats in here, but only individual ones — then, are they both forced to take part in discussions, resulting in a time of 0.85exp usage; or 0.85exp guy can safely ignore the negotiations part? And if he does that, will he receive exp too in the end?

UPD: 4. Agent A (0.9drv) and Agent B (0.8drv) go together in a car. A levels up driving after the quest. Does B too? 4.1. If he doesn't, then if A with 0.9drv and B with 0.9drv go to the quest (say, they're obliged to, because they have 0.5exp both, and monster requires 0.51, which would be met for a pair exp), then which one receives driving exp?

UPD: 5. Should stats be rounded to 2 digits after modifying?

So many questions, so little answers...

Edited by author 03.06.2016 04:02
Re: Questions on statement
Послано coder 25 сен 2021 13:11
5. Should stats be rounded to 2 digits after modifying?