back to boardWhy WA#1?? Help me, please!! #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; string a,b; string re(long long c, long long d,string x){ string y=""; for(long long i=d; i>=c; i--) y=y+x[i]; return y; } string re2(string x){ long long t=0; string res=""; for(long long i=0; i<x.size(); i++){ int q=(int)x[i]; if(q<65||(q>90&&q<97)||q>122){ res=res+re(t,i-1,x); res=res+x[i]; t=i+1; } } res=res+re(t,x.size()-1,x); return res; } int main() { while(getline(cin,a)){ istringstream iss; iss.clear(); iss.str(a); while(iss>>b) cout<<re2(b)<<" "; cout<<endl; } } Re: Why WA#1?? Help me, please!! In the end you write empty line. You must delete your last cout. Re: Why WA#1?? Help me, please!! Thanks you. But I repaired and still WA#1 Re: Why WA#1?? Help me, please!! Try next tests(be attentive to the newline and whitespace): 1) asdad asd sf dv answer: dadsa dsa fs vd 2)1 2 3 $ asd#!@#sad%$#%2 sdSA d!23!`123?<M@! ^^&(&*^&as asf kljdka jd1892u31ASDASD11 end. answer: 1 2 3 $ dsa#!@#das%$#%2 ASds d!23!`123?<M@! ^^&(&*^&sa fsa akdjlk dj1892u31DSADSA11 dne. 3)You must inverse word and all. But y ou could forget about the spaces and line breaks ! answer: uoY tsum esrevni drow dna lla. tuB y uo dluoc tegrof tuoba eht secaps dna enil skaerb ! Re: Why WA#1?? Help me, please!! Oh, I failed in test 1 and then got AC. Tks u so much ^^ Edited by author 05.02.2017 21:40 |