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Обсуждение задачи 1982. План электрификации

Explanation of the problem Statement & Hint needed
Послано Amil Khare 21 сен 2017 06:21
I didn't understand the problem statement correctly. Do cities having power stations need to be connected to each other? The solution can be also having more than 1 connected components( Graphs ), right?

Edited by author 21.09.2017 09:28

Edited by author 21.09.2017 09:32
Re: Explanation of the problem Statement
Послано Mahilewets Nikita [BSUIR] 21 сен 2017 09:25
Questions you are asking are not about the statement
Questions you are asking are about the solution
Re: Explanation of the problem Statement
Послано Mahilewets Nikita [BSUIR] 21 сен 2017 09:27
The first question is maybe OK.
It is about the statement.
So there is "k cities have stations, the other cities need to be connected..."
Re: Explanation of the problem Statement
Послано Amil Khare 21 сен 2017 09:27
Oh sorry, my bad!
However can you please help me ?
I will change the topic of the comment.
Re: Explanation of the problem Statement
Послано Mahilewets Nikita [BSUIR] 21 сен 2017 09:28
So we need to connect the other n-k cities
Re: Explanation of the problem Statement
Послано Amil Khare 21 сен 2017 09:29
Oh, got it !
Thanks a lot :)
Re: Explanation of the problem Statement
Послано Mahilewets Nikita [BSUIR] 21 сен 2017 09:29
And second question is really about the solution

To understand it pay your attention to fact
That there is NO INFORMATION ABOUT ANY GRAPHS in the statement
Re: Explanation of the problem Statement
Послано Amil Khare 21 сен 2017 09:30
No information about Graphs, you mean that whether it's directed or undirected?
Re: Explanation of the problem Statement
Послано Mahilewets Nikita [BSUIR] 22 сен 2017 09:00
Statement doesn't contain the word "graph"
So the graph is just a mathematical model used for solving such kind of problems
not something from statement
Also remember that it is ACM ICPC tradition to write informal statements
Statements which need to be formalized
Re: Explanation of the problem Statement
Послано Amil Khare 27 сен 2017 17:26
Thanks a lot for helping me ! :)