back to boardDiscussion of Problem 1122. GamePainful to code My solution is very ugly Maybe yours is beautiful How nice is your solution? Re: Painful to code How ugly can it be? Just need to use three functions: convert board to 2-byte value, unconvert, modify board by making a move at (x, y). And with those, we just do usual BFS, until 0 or 65535 is reached. Unless of course you're not doing brute force but some smart solution. Re: Painful to code What? Why? You can't be serious. I'll try to scribble the concept in pascal... type TBoard = array[0..3, 0..3] of shortint; //the board TMod = array[0..2, 0..2] of shortint; //the modifier var md: TMod; ... procedure ModifyBoard(x, y: shortint; var board: TBoard); //x, y are coordinates of our move's center //board links to the board array we're modifying var i, j: shortint; begin for i:=-1 to +1 do for j:=-1 to +1 do if (x + i >= 0) and (x + i <= 3) and (y + j >= 0) and (y + j <= 3) then begin //out of bounds check if md[i + 1, j + 1] > 0 then board[x + i, y + j]:=1 - board[x + i, y + j]; //flipping if spot is marked for that end; end; I guess not more effecient than your bit operations, but definitely easier to read. You can, like, just convert 2-byte state into a full board and convert it back with separate functions if needed. Re: Painful to code Why? Because I have solved a very similar task Flip game I don't like to solve the same task with the same method twice Re: Painful to code I see, you weren't serious. Sorry. |