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Discussion of Problem 1163. Chapaev

LLI_E_P_JI_O_K WA 30 // Problem 1163. Chapaev 6 Jan 2023 21:44
If you get WA 30 check this:

1) correct calculation of tangent line angle (asin(2R/D), NOT asin(R/D))
2) check not only enemies circles to make your movement, but angles to your own circles too. You can destroy your circles and win by this angle (don't forget about this).

These tests helped me:

Test 1:
7.100 2.280 3.530 4.410 2.690 2.990 1.770 4.360 5.850 1.770 1.960 1.720 6.550 1.870 2.200 4.940
4.090 0.920 6.580 3.590 1.970 1.070 2.390 2.700 0.360 4.030 1.520 6.730 5.820 5.280 1.640 5.520
Answer: WHITE

Test 2:
2.670 6.880 2.140 2.820 0.830 6.960 2.180 4.600 6.220 7.170 7.130 1.290 3.010 6.320 2.880 4.690
0.350 6.670 6.680 5.820 7.230 5.020 7.160 4.100 0.120 0.430 2.950 7.780 5.630 2.400 2.290 1.310
Answer: RED

Edited by author 06.01.2023 21:45