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Discussion of Problem 1068. Sum

There is something very strange about 1068!!! Check this out!!!
Posted by Ivo 28 May 2001 00:59
I submitted 1068 twice and I always receive "WA"
Then I read about the formula and I compared the
answers(as you can see down) and they were all
the same. Then I submitted the task once again
with the the formula and I got "AC". Can someone
explain why?

var i,sum1,n,sum:longint;
for n:=-10000 to 10000 do
   if n < 1 then sum := (( 1 + n) * ( 2 - n)) div 2
   else  if n >=1 then sum := (( n + 1) * n) div 2;

   {my solution}
   if n=1 then sum1:=1
     if n<=0 then
       for i:=1 downto n do sum1:=sum1+i
       for i:=1 to n do sum1:=sum1+i;

   {if there were different answers}
   if sum<>sum1 then writeln(n,' ',sum1,' ',sum1); readln;

Maybe you got WA with your solution because of your output format
Posted by Dinh Quang Hiep (mg9h@yahoo.com) 28 May 2001 11:50
> I submitted 1068 twice and I always receive "WA"
> Then I read about the formula and I compared the
> answers(as you can see down) and they were all
> the same. Then I submitted the task once again
> with the the formula and I got "AC". Can someone
> explain why?
> var i,sum1,n,sum:longint;
> begin
> for n:=-10000 to 10000 do
> begin
>    {formula}
>    if n < 1 then sum := (( 1 + n) * ( 2 - n)) div 2
>    else  if n >=1 then sum := (( n + 1) * n) div 2;
>    {my solution}
>    sum1:=0;
>    if n=1 then sum1:=1
>    else
>      if n<=0 then
>        for i:=1 downto n do sum1:=sum1+i
>      else
>        for i:=1 to n do sum1:=sum1+i;
>    {if there were different answers}
>    if sum<>sum1 then writeln(n,' ',sum1,' ',sum1); readln;
> end;
> end.
What do you mean???
Posted by Ivo 29 May 2001 00:07
This is not my output this is a program that compares the
two methods of finding the solution
   if sum<>sum1 then writeln(n,' ',sum1,' ',sum1);
i know, but i think your own program have some mistake with the output
Posted by Dinh Quang Hiep (mg9h@yahoo.com) 29 May 2001 10:52
What mistake??? Tell me more...
Posted by Ivo 30 May 2001 00:48
Tong Hop always Vo Dich, and the main reason belongs to ......
Posted by Dinh Quang Hiep (mg9h@yahoo.com) 30 May 2001 03:04
the main reson belongs to the server. Maybe some thing wrong
with compiling
i've submit your solution

 var i,sum1,n,sum:longint;
    {my solution}
    if n=1 then sum1:=1
      if n<=0 then
        for i:=1 downto n do sum1:=sum1+i
        for i:=1 to n do sum1:=sum1+i;



and got WA, but when i change it to

 var i,sum1,n,sum:longint;
    {my solution}
    if n=1 then sum1:=1
      if n<=0 then
            (changing in this line)
        for i:=n to 1 do sum1:=sum1+i

        for i:=1 to n do sum1:=sum1+i;



And i got AC, i don't know why, but maybe the compiler
define that n is always >=1  and it does not run the command
"for i:=1 downto n", so u get WA. So that, don't use "downto
"when not necessary !

Btw, your program will run slower than any program that use
the simple formula.