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Обсуждение задачи 1133. Последовательность Фибоначчи

I wonder the tests are not correct
Послано Orshanskiy Sergey 3 ноя 2001 18:13
I 've solved this problem some time before. I know the
solution 'exactly'. I've written 3 different solutions...
without any success
Re: I wonder the tests are not correct
Послано tjq(killer of zju) 3 ноя 2001 18:31
> I 've solved this problem some time before. I know the
> solution 'exactly'. I've written 3 different solutions...
> without any success

I agree with you, I have 2 identical programs, the c++
failed while pascal can get accepted
Any test data can be given? -- I think my program is right, but WA
Послано Li, Yi 3 ноя 2001 18:43
Re: Any test data can be given? -- I think my program is right, but WA
Послано iii 4 ноя 2001 19:40
Same bad thing...
I think that tests should be given, course only 2 men
solved this problem =(...
Sorry my english =)
Re: Any test data can be given? -- I think my program is right, but WA
Послано Igor 9 ноя 2001 18:38
To my mind, it's not very difficult to get the tests. I've
already got three of them.:)) working further:)
Re: Any test data can be given? -- I think my program is right, but WA
Послано Strike@1908 5 апр 2004 11:36
How can we got the tests?
Very simple, but slow.
Послано Vlad Veselov 5 апр 2004 22:06
I found 8 possible errors - WA,TLE,MLE and so on. To emulate any of them is not hard. You can write something like this:

if s[1] < '7'
 then makeerror(ord(s[1])-ord('0'))
 else makeerror(8);

and look what will be. You can take three bits in every submit or another variant.