back to boardPlease give me the test on which my program is WRONG! HELP ME! (Problem 1074) This is my program! Please Test her! Program n1074; Var n,i,j,e,point,left,right,q:byte; znak:char; a:array [0..250] of string[255]; b:array [0..250] of byte; c:array [0..250] of boolean; Procedure Input; Begin n:=0; While a[n]<>'#' Do Begin Inc(n); ReadLn(a[n]); If a[n]<>'#' Then ReadLn(b[n]); End; Dec(n); End; Procedure Solve; Begin For i:=1 to n Do Begin c[i]:=true; e:=0; point:=0; For j:=1 to Length(a[i]) Do Begin If ((a[i][j]='+') or (a[i][j]='-')) and (Not ((j=1) and (a[i][2]>='0') and (a[i][2]<='9'))) and (Not (((a[i][j- 1]='e') or (a[i][j-1]='E')) and (a[i][j+1]>='0') and (a[i][j+1] <='9'))) Then Begin c[i]:=false; Break; End; If ((a[i][j]='e') or (a[i][j]='E')) and (Not ((a[i][j-1] >='0') and (a[i][j-1]<='9') and (a[i][j+1]>='0') and (a[i][j+1] <='9')) and Not ((a[i][j-1]>='0') and (a[i][j-1]<='9') and ((a[i] [j+1]='+') or (a[i][j+1]='-')))) Then Begin c[i]:=false; Break; End; If (a[i][j]='.') and (Not (((a[i][j-1]>='0') and (a[i][j- 1]<='9') or (j=1)) and (a[i][j+1]>='0') and (a[i][j+1]<='9'))) Then Begin c[i]:=false; Break; End; If (a[i][j]='e') or (a[i][j]='E') Then Inc(e); If a[i][j]='.' Then Inc(point); End; If (e>1) or (point>1) Then c[i]:=false; If a[i][1]='+' Then Delete(a[i],1,1); For j:=1 to Length(a[i]) Do If (a[i][j]='.') and (j=1) Then Insert('0',a[i],j-1); End; End; Procedure Solve2; Begin For i:=1 to n Do If c[i]=true Then Begin left:=0; right:=0; For j:=1 to Length(a[i]) Do If (a[i][j]='e') or (a[i][j]='E') Then Begin If a[i][j+1]='+' Then Begin For q:=(j+2) to Length(a[i]) Do right:=right*10+(Ord(a[i][q])-Ord('0')); Delete(a[i],j,Length(a[i])-j+1); Break; End Else If (a[i][j+1]>='0') and (a[i][j+1]<='9') Then Begin For q:=(j+1) to Length(a[i]) Do right:=right*10+(Ord(a[i][q])-Ord('0')); Delete(a[i],j,Length(a[i])-j+1); Break; End Else If a[i][j+1]='-' Then Begin For q:=(j+2) to Length(a[i]) Do left:=left*10+(Ord(a[i][q])-Ord('0')); Delete(a[i],j,Length(a[i])-j+1); Break; End; End; If right<>0 Then Begin For j:=1 to Length(a[i]) Do If a[i][j]='.' Then Break; If j<>Length(a[i]) Then Begin While (j<>Length(a[i])) and (right>0) Do Begin a[i][j]:=a[i][j+1]; a[i][j+1]:='.'; Inc(j); Dec(right); End; If j=Length(a[i]) Then Dele Here you are Posted by Mih 11 Jan 2002 17:47 > a:array [0..250] of string[255]; 1:i don't know but there might be more than 250 strings in a file 2:some tests --input--- abc 3 # --your output--- c.000 ---------- but it shold be "not a floating..." as you see. your program always gives WA for "numbers" that have uncorrect character on the first pos. like this: input: aaa123bbb 0 # your out: 123bbb GL! Re: Here you are Posted by Mih 11 Jan 2002 17:50 in: 123abc 3 # out: 123abc.000 - wa too. Re: Here you are AGAIN > in: > 123abc > 3 > # > out: > 123abc.000 - wa too. Thank you! But my program got WA too! This is MODERN program: My prgram got WA on first test because the time is 0.001 or 0.01 don't remember! I Think What this is first test... Program n1074; Var n,i,j,e,point,left,right,q:byte; znak:char; a:array [0..250] of string[255]; b:array [0..250] of byte; c:array [0..250] of boolean; Procedure Input; Begin n:=0; While a[n]<>'#' Do Begin Inc(n); ReadLn(a[n]); If a[n]<>'#' Then ReadLn(b[n]); End; Dec(n); End; Procedure Solve; Begin For i:=1 to n Do Begin c[i]:=true; e:=0; point:=0; For j:=1 to Length(a[i]) Do Begin If ((a[i][j]='+') or (a[i][j]='-')) and (Not ((j=1) and (a[i][2]>='0') and (a[i][2]<='9'))) and (Not (((a[i][j- 1]='e') or (a[i][j-1]='E')) and (a[i][j+1]>='0') and (a[i][j+1] <='9'))) Then Begin c[i]:=false; Break; End; If ((a[i][j]='e') or (a[i][j]='E')) and (Not ((a[i][j-1] >='0') and (a[i][j-1]<='9') and (a[i][j+1]>='0') and (a[i][j+1] <='9')) and Not ((a[i][j-1]>='0') and (a[i][j-1]<='9') and ((a[i] [j+1]='+') or (a[i][j+1]='-')))) Then Begin c[i]:=false; Break; End; If (a[i][j]='.') and (Not (((a[i][j-1]>='0') and (a[i][j- 1]<='9') or (j=1)) and (a[i][j+1]>='0') and (a[i][j+1]<='9'))) Then Begin c[i]:=false; Break; End; If (a[i][j]='e') or (a[i][j]='E') Then Inc(e); If a[i][j]='.' Then Inc(point); If Not ((a[i][j]>='0') and (a[i][j]<='9')) and Not ((a[i] [j]='e') or (a[i][j]='E')) and Not ((a[i][j]='+') or (a[i][j]='- ')) and Not (a[i][j]='.') and Not ((Ord(a[i][j])=10) or (Ord(a [i][j])=13) or (Ord(a[i][j])=26)) Then Begin c[i]:=false; Break; End; End; If (e>1) or (point>1) Then c[i]:=false; If a[i][1]='+' Then Delete(a[i],1,1); For j:=1 to Length(a[i]) Do If (a[i][j]='.') and (j=1) Then Insert('0',a[i],j-1); End; End; Procedure Solve2; Begin For i:=1 to n Do If c[i]=true Then Begin left:=0; right:=0; For j:=1 to Length(a[i]) Do If (a[i][j]='e') or (a[i][j]='E') Then Begin If a[i][j+1]='+' Then Begin For q:=(j+2) to Length(a[i]) Do right:=right*10+(Ord(a[i][q])-Ord('0')); Delete(a[i],j,Length(a[i])-j+1); Break; End Else If (a[i][j+1]>='0') and (a[i][j+1]<='9') Then Begin For q:=(j+1) to Length(a[i]) Do right:=right*10+(Ord(a[i][q])-Ord('0')); Delete(a[i],j,Length(a[i])-j+1); Break; End Else If a[i][j+1]='-' Then Begin For q:=(j+2) to Length(a[i]) Do left:=left*10+(Ord(a[i][q])-Ord('0')); Delete(a[i],j,Length(a[i])-j+1); Break;