вернуться в форумWhy I get WA? Pelase, help me!!!!!!! (+) My program: Program t1124; Var M,N,i,j,k,a,t :integer; c,s,u :array[1..500]of integer; begin a:=0; for i:=1 to 500 do c[i]:=i; for i:=1 to 500 do s[i]:=0; for i:=1 to 500 do u[i]:=-1; read(m,n); for i:=1 to m do for j:=1 to n do begin read(k); if k<>i then begin a:=a+1; s[k]:=s[k]+1; for t:=1 to m do if c[t]=k then c[t]:=i; end; end; t:=0; for i:=1 to m do if s[i]>0 then begin if u[c[i]]=-1 then u[c[i]]:=0; if s[i] mod 2=1 then u[c[i]]:=u[c[i]]+1; end; for i:=1 to m do if u[i]<>-1 then if (u[i]=0)or(u[i]=2) then t:=t+1 else t:=t+(u[i] div 2); if t>0 then t:=t-1; writeln(a+t); end. A test for you. (+) 3 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 The answer should be 6, not 7. Good luck. Re: Still WA(+) > 3 3 > 1 2 2 > 2 3 3 > 3 1 1 > The answer should be 6, not 7. > > Good luck. My new program: Program t1124; Var M,N,i,j,k,a,t :integer; c,s,u :array[1..500]of integer; begin a:=0; for i:=1 to 500 do c[i]:=i; for i:=1 to 500 do s[i]:=0; for i:=1 to 500 do u[i]:=-1; read(m,n); for i:=1 to m do for j:=1 to n do begin read(k); if k<>i then begin a:=a+1; s[k]:=s[k]+1; for t:=1 to m do if c[t]=c[k] then c[t]:=c[i]; end; end; t:=0; {for i:=1 to m do if s[i]>0 then begin if u[c[i]]=-1 then u[c[i]]:=0; if s[i] mod 2=1 then u[c[i]]:=u[c[i]]+1; end; for i:=1 to m do if u[i]<>-1 then if (u[i]=0)or(u[i]=2) then t:=t+1 else t:=t+(u[i] div 2);} for i:=1 to m do begin if c[i]<>0 then t:=t+1; for j:=i+1 to m do if c[j]=c[i] then c[j]:=0; end; if t>0 then t:=t-1; writeln(a+t); end. Another test for you (+) 2 1 1 2 The answer is 0. Good luck! Re:Still WA(+) Pleae help me! Thank for you help!But I still get WA!.I don't know what's wrong. I have 2 programs. But they both wrong!!!. Please, help me!!! May be my algorithm is wrong??! \\\\\\\Program I: Program t1124; Var M,N,i,j,k,a,t :integer; c,s,u :array[1..500]of integer; begin a:=0; for i:=1 to 500 do c[i]:=i; for i:=1 to 500 do s[i]:=0; for i:=1 to 500 do u[i]:=-1; read(m,n); for i:=1 to m do for j:=1 to n do begin read(k); if k<>i then begin a:=a+1; s[k]:=s[k]+1; for t:=1 to m do if c[t]=c[k] then c[t]:=c[i]; end; end; t:=0; for i:=1 to m do if s[i]>0 then begin if u[c[i]]=-1 then u[c[i]]:=0; if s[i] mod 2=1 then u[c[i]]:=u[c[i]]+1; end; for i:=1 to m do begin if (c[i]<>0)and(s[i]<>0) then t:=t+1; for j:=i+1 to m do if c[j]=c[i] then c[j]:=0; end; if t>0 then t:=t-1; writeln(a+t); end. \\\\\\\\Program II: Program t1124; Var M,N,i,j,k,a,t :integer; c,s,u :array[1..500]of integer; begin a:=0; for i:=1 to 500 do c[i]:=i; for i:=1 to 500 do s[i]:=0; for i:=1 to 500 do u[i]:=-1; read(m,n); for i:=1 to m do for j:=1 to n do begin read(k); if k<>i then begin a:=a+1; s[k]:=s[k]+1; for t:=1 to m do if c[t]=c[k] then c[t]:=c[i]; end; end; t:=0; for i:=1 to m do if s[i]>0 then begin if u[c[i]]=-1 then u[c[i]]:=0; if s[i] mod 2=1 then u[c[i]]:=u[c[i]]+1; end; for i:=1 to m do if u[i]<>-1 then if (u[i]=0)or(u[i]=2) then t:=t+1 else t:=t+(u[i] div 2); if t>0 then t:=t-1; writeln(a+t); end. Re: Re:Still WA(+) Pleae help me! My method is similar with yours. I have WA#13. my prog passed all tests that i had.I can't find my mistake. can anyone give me some tricky tests for this problem? |