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Discussion of Problem 1048. Superlong Sums

Ha, a turkey passed it - just used 49K memory!!!
Posted by turkeys 27 Feb 2002 16:00
Ha, a turkey passed it - just used 49K memory!!!
Re: Ha, a turkey passed it - just used 49K memory!!!
Posted by Junjie Liang 27 Feb 2002 16:22
Can you explain how you did it? When you have a test case like this:
4 5
4 5
4 5
4 5
5 5

How can you get the answer without reading in everything?
Re: Ha, a turkey passed it - just used 49K memory!!!
Posted by Algorist 28 Feb 2002 01:37
You read everything...... Just think over the way to keep it :)

> Can you explain how you did it? When you have a test case like this:
> 5
> 4 5
> 4 5
> 4 5
> 4 5
> 5 5
> How can you get the answer without reading in everything?
Re: Ha, a turkey passed it - just used 49K memory!!!
Posted by Junjie Liang 28 Feb 2002 13:11
I really don't know how to... I solved it by "chopping" a char into
2...you mean there's a better way of storing the numbers?
Re: Ha, a turkey passed it - just used 49K memory!!!
Posted by Algorist 1 Mar 2002 01:42
well, there are two ways of solving this :
1. store in char two by two the nums
2. store in long 8 of the nums

I used the second, but the first should be OK, too.......
And the cat get AC too, although with 53K.
Posted by meoden 1 Mar 2002 12:45
Re: Ha, a turkey passed it - just used 49K memory!!!
Posted by Alex[LSD] 18 May 2002 13:42
I stored 9 digits in longint, but still I was QUITE far from those
49K they're talking about... 8-)
Re: Ha, a turkey passed it - just used 49K memory!!!
Posted by Krzysztof "Doodge" Drozdz 28 Jun 2002 16:50
I think that you can't count.
1000000/8*4*2 = ...
Yes you're right = 1000000 so it's more less 1000K
So how did you do it using only 49K?