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Discussion of Problem 1051. Simple Game on a Grid

Why is the solution...
Posted by Stefan Ciobaca 3 Mar 2002 15:12
Suppose: m<=n
if m=1 then sol:=(n+1) div 2 else
  if (m mod 3=0)or(n mod 3=0) then sol:=2 else sol:=1;

Why is this solution correct? Can someone explain this to me please?
You can delete 3-line stones with another stone beside them
Posted by aaakkk 3 Mar 2002 19:56
        o    o
ooo => oo => o =>
  o              o      <= this stone hasn't change his position
                           but it delete 3 stones above itself.

You can delete 3-line stones in this way, but pay attention that
for every deletion, you must leave 3 row or 3 line stones for
next deleteion in another direction.( You can delete stones in
different direction.  After that,the result is either 1 or 2)

Good Luck.
It has some mistake.......Now I have changed it.
Posted by aaakkk 3 Mar 2002 19:58

>          o    o
> ooo => oo  => o =>
>   o               o      <= this stone hasn't change his position
>                            but it delete 3 stones above itself.
> You can delete 3-line stones in this way, but pay attention that
> for every deletion, you must leave 3 row or 3 line stones for
> next deleteion in another direction.( You can delete stones in
> different direction.  After that,the result is either 1 or 2)
> Good Luck.