back to boardWhy I have ACCESS_VIOLATION (C++) ? Posted by sikee8 10 Apr 2002 21:22 #include <iostream.h> int n,k; long m [10000],how [10000]; long GetNewLength () { long NewLength = 0; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) if (m[i]/(how[i]+1) > NewLength) NewLength = m[i]/(how [i]+1); return NewLength; } int main () { long nowLength = 2147483648, nowN = 0; double length; cin >> n >> k; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { cin >> length; m [i] = int (length * 100); if (m[i] < nowLength) nowLength = m [i]; } while (nowN<k && nowLength != 0) { nowLength = GetNewLength (); if (!nowLength) continue; nowN = 0; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { how [i] = m [i] / nowLength; nowN = nowN + how [i]; } } cout << nowLength/100 << "."; int tens = nowLength%100; if (tens < 10) cout << "0" << tens; else cout << tens; return 0; } |