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Обсуждение задачи 1143. Electric Path

Isn't this problem NP-complete ?
Послано Alyosha Popovich 6 май 2002 11:42
Yes it is, just try a simple heuristhic and brute forze when size <=10
Послано Miguel Angel 10 май 2002 00:18
10x a lot :)
Послано Alyosha Popovich 12 май 2002 23:49
> >
DP solution for convex polygon... I think
Послано Christopher Moh 14 июн 2002 23:56
My accepted solution is DP (for all cases, no brute force search).

The basic idea is that because all possible edges satisfy the
triangle inequality, the optimal hamiltonian path cannot cross
itself.  Hence, because of the fact that all the vertices lie on a
convex polygon, there is an implicit ordering of the points (what it
is, I'll let you think) - lending itself to a tabular method (DP).
Re: DP solution for convex polygon... I think
Послано XueMao 22 мар 2003 16:32
I am sorry but I can hardly agree with you . this problem is
obviously hamiltonian circuit . And it was proved to be a NP
problem.so DP can not solve it .