вернуться в форумPlease tell me what 's wrong with this program, Thank you! var x,y,z:integer; n,i,j:integer; na,nx,ny,nz,nj:integer; c:char; begin x:=0;y:=0;z:=0; readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(c,j); case upcase(c) of 'X':inc(x,j); 'Y':inc(y,j); 'Z':inc(z,j); end; end; nx:=0;ny:=y+x;nz:=z-x;nj:=abs(nx)+abs(ny)+abs(nz); if (ny=0) or (nz=0) then na:=1 else na:=2; x:=nx+ny;y:=0;z:=nz+ny;j:=abs(x)+abs(y)+abs(z); if (x=0) or (z=0) then n:=1 else n:=2; if nj>j then begin na:=n;nx:=x;ny:=y;nz:=z;nj:=j; end; x:=nx-nz;y:=ny+nz;z:=0;j:=abs(x)+abs(y)+abs(z); if (x=0) or (y=0) then n:=1 else n:=2; if nj>j then begin na:=n;nx:=x;ny:=y;nz:=z;nj:=j; end; writeln(na); if nx<>0 then writeln('X ',-nx); if ny<>0 then writeln('Y ',-ny); if nz<>0 then writeln('Z ',-nz); end. Try this simple test: 0. The answer should be 0, but yours is 1. Your test is incorrect! Послано Saturn 18 июл 2004 00:55 Your test is incorrect because n>0! Try this test: 3 X 1 Z 1 Y -1 Correct output : 0 Your output : 1 |