back to boardI go WA!!! Help me plese give some tests! ---------------------My PROGRAM--------------- var s,tmp,tmp2,sss,yo:string; point,i,j,e,err,N:integer; _end:boolean; ch2:char; procedure prost(X:integer); var ch:Char; begin yo:=''; ch:=' '; if (s[x] = '+')or(s[x] = '-') then begin ch:=s[x];inc(X); end; tmp:='';point:=-1;_end:=false; for i:=x to length(s) do if s[i] in ['0'..'9','.']then begin if s[i]<>'.' then tmp:=tmp+s[i]; if (s[i] = '.')and(point = -1) then point:=length(tmp) else if s[i] = '.' then begin yo:='Not a floating point number'; exit; end;if i = length(s)then _end:=true; end else break; if (length(tmp)= point)or(tmp = '') then begin yo:=yo+'Not a floating point number'; exit; end; if not _end then begin if (s[i] = 'e')or(s[i] = 'E') then begin x:=i+1; ch2:=' '; if (s[x] = '+')or(s[x] = '-') then begin ch2:=s[x];inc(X); end; tmp2:='';_end:=false; for i:=x to length(s) do if s[i] in ['0'..'9']then begin tmp2:=tmp2+s[i]; { if (s[i] = '.')and(point = -1) then point:=i else if s[i] = '.' then begin writeln('Not a floating point number'); exit; end;} if i = length(s) then _end:=true; end else begin yo:=yo+'Not a floating point number'; exit; end; if _end = false then begin yo:=yo+'Not a floating point number'; exit; end; if ch = '-' then yo:=yo+(ch); if point = -1 then point:=length(tmp); val(tmp2,e,err); if ch2 = '-' then e:=-e; point:=point+e; i:=1; for i:=1 to point+1 do if tmp[i] <> '0' then break; sss:='';point:=point-i+1; for j:=i to length(tmp) do sss:=sss+tmp[j]; tmp:=sss; if point<=0 then begin yo:=yo+('0'); if N<>0 then begin yo:=yo+('.'); i:=0; for i:=1 to abs(point) do if i<=N then yo:=yo+('0') else exit; x:=i; for i:=1 to length(tmp) do if x+i<=N then yo:=yo+(tmp[i]) else exit; x:=x+i; for i:=x+1 to N do yo:=yo+('0'); exit; end; end else begin _end:=false; for i:=1 to point do if i<=length(tmp) then begin yo:=yo+(tmp[i]); if i = length(tmp) then _end:=true; end else yo:=yo+'0'; if N = 0 then exit else begin if _end then begin yo:=yo+('.'); for i:=1 to N do yo:=yo+('0'); end else begin yo:=yo+('.'); x:=i;_end:=false; for i:=1 to N do if x+i<=length(tmp) then begin yo:=yo+(tmp[x+i]); if i = N then _end:=true; end else break; if _end then exit else begin x:=i; for i:=x to N do yo:=yo+('0'); end; end; end; end; end else begin yo:=yo+('Not a floating point number'); exit; end; end else begin if ch = '-' then yo:=yo+(ch); if point = -1 then point:=length(tmp); { val(s2,e,err); if ch2 = '-' then e:=-e; point:=point+e;} i:=1; for i:=1 to {length(tmp)}point+1 do if tmp[i] <> '0' then break; sss:='';point:=point-i+1; for j:=i to length(tmp) do sss:=sss+tmp[j]; tmp:=sss; if point<=0 then begin yo:=yo+('0'); if N<>0 then begin yo:=yo+('.'); i:=1; for i:=1 to abs(point) do if i<=N then yo:=yo |